Anthony Shuster Anthony Shuster

A Tour of the Palace, not an Office Walkthrough: presentation skills to keep your audience engaged

Imagine being taken on a guided tour of a magnificent palace.

Each room you enter offers a unique experience: from grandiose ballrooms that leave you in awe, to intimate parlours designed for the warmth and comfort of just a handful of people.

A well-crafted presentation should feel like a similar journey, in both the content and the delivery.

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public speaking, effective communication Anthony Shuster public speaking, effective communication Anthony Shuster

Does Public Speaking Have to Be Surprising to Be Interesting?

Unconfident speakers, especially those nervous about public speaking in front of even a small audience, often focus heavily on their content to avoid addressing their delivery. This common public speaking challenge highlights the importance of balancing engaging content with confident presentation skills.

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Anthony Shuster Anthony Shuster

Online courses: tell me what you think

Anyone on the internet can show you what to do, and pronounce the sounds for you. But coaching means you have an expert to listen to you and guide you.

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Anthony Shuster Anthony Shuster

How to sound authentic, part 2

This time yesterday, I found myself asking a group of professionals to try to sound as unprofessional as possible.

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