A Tour of the Palace, not an Office Walkthrough: presentation skills to keep your audience engaged
Imagine being taken on a guided tour of a magnificent palace.
Each room you enter offers a unique experience: from grandiose ballrooms that leave you in awe, to intimate parlours designed for the warmth and comfort of just a handful of people.
A well-crafted presentation should feel like a similar journey, in both the content and the delivery.
Mastering the Power of Pauses: Enhance Your Communication, Presentation, and Storytelling Skills
I'm always reminding the people I work with that in order to achieve effective communication we should think about pausing as something we do for the listener: a pause creates space in which to process information, so your thoughts are more digestible. Then listeners can pick up on their value.
I Hate Public Speaking: What to do with your hands*
Most of what the internet says about hand gestures in public speaking is BS. Read my insightful thought leadership (ie. marketing) on the subject. Then click through to the BS, naturally.
The highlight of your presentation is… YOU
The highlight of your presentation is not your slides. It’s not even your content. The highlight is YOU
If you sound boring... make your work less boring
What we can learn about how to work smarter, based on how we feel and behave in speaking situations where we don't deliver